The Civilization of Kerma

Located in Nubia (“Koush” in Egyptian), south of Egypt and north of present-day Sudan, the civilization of Kerma – which saw the emergence of the Kingdom of Kush – is one of the first civilizations in Africa. A Kingdom that was conquered by Egypt around 1500 BC. JC by the pharaoh Thutmose I, then who in turn conquered Egypt in 744 BC. JC to found the XXVᵉ Egyptian pharaonic dynasty.
Who was the civilization of Kerma and the Kingdom of Kush which ruled Egypt for almost 90 years?
Who was the civilization of Kerma and the Kingdom of Kush which ruled Egypt for almost 90 years?

The civilization or Kingdom of Kerma - named after the city of Kerma of which the remains were found and which are supposed to be the capital of this kingdom - seems to have emerged around 2500 BC. JC by unifying the different regions of Nubia.
The powerful rival kingdom of Egypt and which was called the Kingdom of Kush (Nubia) by the latter.
However, having found no written trace of this civilization, we ultimately know very little about it. The main sources we have, coming from Egyptian writings or archaeological finds.
A region rich in gold which aroused the desires of the Egyptians who, after several military campaigns, ended up conquering the country around 1504 BC. JC. A conquest carried out by the 3rd pharaoh of the 18th dynasty of the new Empire, Thutmose I.
A conquest which would be reversed, a little over 700 years later with the conquest of Egypt by Nubia and the episode of the Nubian pharaohs.
Despite the numerous rebellions that followed, following the conquest of the Kingdom of Kerma / Kush by Egypt, culture Kerma became more and more immersed in Egyptian culture.
The centuries following this conquest saw the ever-increasing development, both economically and politically, of the Kingdom of Kush. The kingdom regained its independence around 1000 BC. JC then gradually created the Kush Empire which then lasted for more than 1000 years—and saw its capital move to Napata then to Meroe.
An Empire which even went so far as to conquer Egypt and found the 25th dynasty there in 744 BC, before being chased out by the Assyrians in -656.
The powerful rival kingdom of Egypt and which was called the Kingdom of Kush (Nubia) by the latter.
However, having found no written trace of this civilization, we ultimately know very little about it. The main sources we have, coming from Egyptian writings or archaeological finds.
A region rich in gold which aroused the desires of the Egyptians who, after several military campaigns, ended up conquering the country around 1504 BC. JC. A conquest carried out by the 3rd pharaoh of the 18th dynasty of the new Empire, Thutmose I.
A conquest which would be reversed, a little over 700 years later with the conquest of Egypt by Nubia and the episode of the Nubian pharaohs.
Despite the numerous rebellions that followed, following the conquest of the Kingdom of Kerma / Kush by Egypt, culture Kerma became more and more immersed in Egyptian culture.
The centuries following this conquest saw the ever-increasing development, both economically and politically, of the Kingdom of Kush. The kingdom regained its independence around 1000 BC. JC then gradually created the Kush Empire which then lasted for more than 1000 years—and saw its capital move to Napata then to Meroe.
An Empire which even went so far as to conquer Egypt and found the 25th dynasty there in 744 BC, before being chased out by the Assyrians in -656.

Many Egyptian practices and traditions were then taken up by the Kushites, such as their religion and their pyramids.
We can also find a certain number of Nubian pyramids still standing today, in Meroe, in Sudan.
We can also find a certain number of Nubian pyramids still standing today, in Meroe, in Sudan.