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Gobekli Tepe

Dating back to 12,000 years ago, Göbekli Tepe is said to be the first temple in history. A major site built 6500 years before the first Sumerian cities, 7000 years before Stonehenge, and 7500 years before the Cheops pyramid.

But what is Göbekli Tepe?
 Erected at the dawn of known human civilizations, Göbekli Tepe is a major archaeological site. It is located in southern Turkey, on the highest point of a mountain range, 785 meters high.

It is famous for its impressive megalithic structures, of which only less than 10% have been excavated.

Indeed, today the vast majority of the site remains to be excavated. Recent surveys carried out by radar revealed that about twenty stone circles still occupy an area of ​​9 hectares. While only four of them, 10 to 30 m in diameter, have been uncovered.

An extraordinary site with several types of structures including T-shaped pillars erected in a circle and decorated with low and high reliefs. Most decorations being animals or symbols.
 Megaliths, the largest of which weigh 15 tons and measure 5.5 meters in height! It was even found an unfinished pillar of 7 meters and which would weigh more than 50 tons.

This demonstrates, despite the 12,000 years that separate us, the technological and architectural level that these first groups of hunter-gatherers who gathered together demonstrated.

A huge and complex site, which required several hundred people, as well as a social organization and a certain division of labor.

Nevertheless, many things, such as the fact that this site would be a temple, remain hypotheses and suppositions. Today it remains quite difficult for archaeologists to know exactly what this site was used for, who built it, and how.
 For example, regarding the basic necessity of meeting one's needs, archaeologists still wonder how the builders were able to feed such a large labor force for months.

Could this then suggest a primitive form of agriculture or livestock farming near the site?

It's possible, but there's no evidence to prove it for sure yet.

But 90% of Göbekli Tepe is yet to be discovered, so the mysteries surrounding this site may soon be unraveled.

Moreover, despite these thousands of years, this site is in a particularly exceptional state of conservation. This is due to the fact that it was not abandoned or destroyed, but condemned by being buried, after 1500 years of occupation.