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Japanese Civilization

Japanese civilization is one of the oldest and richest cultures in the world. With a history that spans thousands of years, the Japanese have developed a unique way of life and a deep understanding of the world around them. From the ancient Shinto religion to today's modern technology, Japan has always been a fascinating country to study and explore.

But what is his story?

According to legend, Japan—also called the Land of the Rising Sun—was founded in the 7th century BC. JC by the mythical Emperor Jinmu Tennō (神武天皇), the great-great-great-grandson of the Sun Goddess Amaterasu , sister of Tsukuyomi (God of the Moon) and Susanoo (God of the Storm) .

Jinmu Tennō, Founder of Japan

A legend of Shinto origin which is particularly linked to Japanese mythology. Shintoism is one of the oldest known religions in Japan. Myths, as well as famous gods in Japan such as Izanagi and Izanami , who would have presided over the creation of the world and of Japan.

Regarding the archaeological part, research has shown that Japan was populated from the Upper Paleolithic period (approximately 45,000 to 12,000 years before our era), with the discovery of pottery among the oldest in the world and dating back to 13,000 Before our era.

Nevertheless, Japan seems to have started to organize itself only from the Yayoi period (about 800-400 BC to 250 AD). The Kofun period followed, when several Japanese emperors built burial mounds (called “Kofun”) in order to be buried there. A tumulus such as the Kofun Daisenryō which is considered the largest tomb in the world and which was built in the 5th century AD on a funerary complex of no less than 460,000 m²!

Kofun Daisenryō, Japan

The Asuka period , AD 538–710, saw the introduction of Buddhism to Japan, along with the development of centralized government and the emergence of a written language. This period also saw the construction of great Buddhist temples and the development of a court culture that would continue to influence Japanese society for centuries to come.

The Heian period , from 794 to 1185 AD, is a time of great cultural and artistic achievement. The capital was moved to Heian-kyo (now Kyoto ) and the imperial court became a center of culture and learning. The famous novel " The Tale of Genji " was written at this time and is considered one of the world's first novels.

The Kamakura period , from 1185 to 1333 AD, saw the rise of the military class, known as samurai , and the establishment of a feudal system. The Kamakura period is also marked by the arrival of the Mongols and the invasions of Japan.

Samurai, Japan

The Muromachi period , spanning from 1336 to 1573, saw the rise of the samurai class and the development of a unique form of martial arts, kendo . This period also saw the arrival of Europeans in Japan and the introduction of Christianity.

The Edo period , from 1603 to 1868, was a time of great stability and economic growth. The capital was moved to Edo (now Tokyo ) and the country was ruled by the shogun , a military dictator. This period also saw the development of a unique culture and art, including the famous Ukiyo-e woodblock prints .

Ukiyo-e woodblock print, japan

The Meiji period , from 1868 to 1912, saw the fall of the shogunate and the restoration of the emperor as head of state. Japan rapidly modernized and industrialized during this period, and became a major world power.

The Taishō period , from 1912 to 1926, saw the continued modernization of the country and the rise of democracy. The Showa period , from 1926 to 1989, saw Japan become a major world power and an economic powerhouse.

Regarding the cultural aspect, the Japanese civilization is one of the oldest and richest cultures in the world.

Japanese culture, mount fuji

With a history that spans thousands of years, the Japanese have developed a unique way of life and a deep understanding of the world around them. From the ancient Shinto religion to today's modern technology, Japan has always been a fascinating country to study and explore.

One of the most striking aspects of Japanese culture is its deep respect for tradition. The Japanese have always been a people who value their history and customs, which is reflected in their art, architecture and literature. The Shinto religion, which has been part of Japanese culture for thousands of years, is a prime example. Shinto gods and goddesses are still worshiped in Japan today, and many people still participate in traditional rituals and ceremonies.

traditional Shinto rituals and ceremonies

Japan is also known for its advanced technology and industry.

From the earliest days of samurai warriors to the modern era of robots and high-speed trains, Japan has always been at the forefront of technological innovation. The Japanese are known for their precision and attention to detail, and it shows in everything from cars to electronics to food and drink.

In conclusion, Japanese civilization is a unique and fascinating culture that has been shaped by thousands of years of history and tradition.

From its ancient religion to its modern technology, Japan is a country rich in culture, beauty and innovation. Whether you are interested in art, literature or technology, Japan is a country that is sure to capture your imagination and make you deeply appreciate its people and way of life.

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